安裝 Unblock Youku 擴充套件,或著是使用上述 DNS 設定完成,將網頁按重新整理即可觀賞收看啦!! 但不保證一定都能順利使用,特別是有網友反應愛奇藝查很兇,需要多試幾次才能夠使用,若有發現無法正常運作或是某些網站不支援時,建議可以在「Unblock Youku」留下評論給開發者。

uBlock ad blocker is constantly working to make your browsing experience as painless and safe as possible. If you’re looking for a simple, effective advertisement blocker, look no further. uBlock is easy to install and even easier to use. So even if you’re not very tech-savvy you can get it set up in no time. Just follow our 网络文化经营许可证京网文[2014]0934-236号 网络出版服务许可证 出版物经营许可证 信息网络传播视听节目许可证0108283号 药品服务许可证(京)-经营-2015-0029 节目制作经营许可证京字670号 营业执照 京ICP证060288号 京ICP备06050721号 网络110报警服务 北京互联网举报中心 北京12318文化市场举报热线 扫黄打非 视频服务平台,提供视频播放,视频发布,视频搜索,视频分享 Youku Unblock is here to help as many schools and workplaces block websites such as Youku and Facebook and YouTube. Unblock Youku using this site. Just type the address of the site you want to unblock in the bar below and click Go or use one of the quick browse links to get started. 欢迎来到 Unblock Youku 的官方论坛! 非常感谢您的支持和喜爱!只有您的支持才能使 Unblock Youku 项目长久稳定地服务海外千千万万的朋友们。欢迎捐款来支持我们服务器的开销,捐款请前往 Unblock Youku 主页。欢迎关注我们的官方社交网络帐号 Facebook, Weibo 和 Twitter。 如果您在使用 Unblock Youku 系列服务 Japanese residents looking to use Youku will also find it difficult to unblock content on Youku without a VPN service. Much of Youku's content is restricted in Japan and requires a Chinese IP address to access. This is possible with ExpressVPN's location picker which is pictured in the image on the right. By connecting to a mainland China server, Youku can be unblocked in Japan.

Jun 3, 2020 To unblock Youku outside of China, you will need a good VPN service that has servers in China and Hong Kong. Read this guide for a 

Sep 25, 2017 Unblock Youku with Google Chrome. Getting Unblock Youku for Chrome is much like the process for Firefox. Go to “https://chrome  Unblock Youku 最新版v3.6.7 对最新版优酷播放器做出了相应更新,请大家耐心 等待更新噢!♥ 最近小编俺有点忙,多亏有yanggis 大大和tommy 大大帮大家解决  最近有不少海外网友反映在使用我们chrome插件网推荐的unblock youku 插件观看 视频时,会出现unblock youku无法正常使用的情况。由于小编人不在海外,不能  Mar 19, 2014 Click the Unblock-Youku icon on the upper-right corner of Opera. 2. Click the " Contact Us" link in the pop-up menu. 3. Fill the feedback form and 

Unblock Youku.com. It’s not possible to enjoy Youku.com on your Windows or Mac Machine or your Android Telephone or Tablet Computer? When you run into problems with opening Youku.com with Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari or Microsoft Internet Explorer – we …

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